Meeting Minutes

Minutes for AGT Meeting: November 1, 2018

The Authors Guild of Tennessee met on November 1, 2018 at the Bearden Public Library, Knoxville, Tennessee.  The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by President Bobbi Chapman.


The following twenty members were present: Danielle Asher, Randall Carpenter, Bobbi Chapman, David Curran, Laura Derr, Jody Dyer, Linda Fitzpatrick, Donna J. Habib, Jim Hartsell, Ken Johnson, Walter Lambert, Cindy Leihkauff, Stephanie McElligott, Jerry Morton, Cheryl Peyton, Nadine Richmond, Denise Sherriff, Jody Sims, Ray Strobo, and Tilmer Wright.


Guests present included Bill Lions, Knoxville Deputy Mayor; and Marybeth Jacoby, News Director; a reporter and a cameraman from Channel 8 WVLT.


Before the official meeting began, Deputy Mayor, Bill Lions, presented the Authors Guild of Tennessee a proclamation on behalf of the people of Knoxville proclaiming November 1, 2018 as Authors Day in the City of Knoxville.  The proclamation was signed by Mayor Madeline Rogero.  A second proclamation from the County of Knoxville was presented by Randall Carpenter and signed by County Mayor Glen Jacobs.


AGT extends special thanks and appreciation to members Randall Carpenter and Tilmer Wright for the work they did in bringing this event together.  Tilmer Wright composed the text of both proclamations.


October Minutes:   Walter Lambert moved to accept the corrected October minutes.  The motion was seconded by Denise Sherriff. The motion to accept the minutes passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  No treasurer’s report was given at this month’s meeting.


President’s Report:  Bobbi informed AGT members of an opportunity for author selling for the first Monday of each month (that is not a holiday), starting November 5 at the Lenoir City Library.  The time for this event begins at 10:30. Email Susan Dorsey to sign up:

Members were reminded that yearly dues for the year 2019 must be turned in before December 31.  The fee for dues has been reduced to $40 and checks should be made out to AGT and given to Randy Carpenter at the December meeting or mailed to him at 10620 Eagles View Drive, Knoxville, TN  37922..


Vice President’s Report:  The proposed candidates for officers and committee chairs for 2019 are as follows:


President: Cheryl Peyton

Vice-President: Jody Dyer

Treasurer: Jim Hartsell

Assistant Treasurer: Randall Carpenter

Secretary: Carol McClain

Assistant Secretary: Laura Derr

Board Members-at-Large: Tilmer Wright and Russ Fine



Directory and Tax Committee Chair:  Bobbi Chapman

Events Chair: Danielle Asher

Ezine Editor: Nadine Richmond

Library Committee Chair: Laura Derr

Marketing Committee Chair: Sam Bledsoe

Membership/Vetting Committee Chairs: Kaye George and Darlene Underwood

Nominating Committee Chair:  Jody Dyer

Program Committee:  Sharon Higa

Publicity Chair: Cyn Taylor

Retail Committee Chair: Bobbi Chapman

Website Committee Chair:  Kaye George (Judy)

Cheryl asked members to submit any other candidates for nomination and noted that voting will take place vote at the December meeting. She also mentioned that Jody Sims will be AGT’s Radio Host and Cindy Leihkauff will handle Badges.

Bookshelf Editor’s Report: Nadine reported that the ezine now has 165 subscribers.  She will be sending out an email requesting AGT members to respond to the topic, “Why You Write.”

Event Coordinator’s Report: Danielle Asher reported that

  1. The upcoming indoor event at Chilhowee on December 8th and 9th. Members were encouraged to participate when possible in order to reduce the fees for those participating in AGT bookselling events.
  2. Christmas Fair at the Expo Center in Knoxville is November 9th, 10th, and 11th. Danielle has provided members will a detailed spreadsheet and will be updating this list in another email.
  3. Pellissippi State Writers Workshop on November 3. This is an opportunity to encourage young writers.


Library Report:   Jim Hartsell reported that members who check out books are expected to write

a review of the book and return the book to the next monthly meeting. If a book is not checked out,

the author takes the book home and brings it to the next meeting.


Marketing Committee:

  1. AGT members are reminded that the cost for magnetic bumper stickers is $4.00.
  2. Jody Sims will be reading the first installment of “The Author’s Page,” radio program this Sunday morning at 8:35 on radio station WUOT, 91.9. She will read a new installment the last Sunday of every month. Jody provided members with radio script guidelines as well as a list of authors scripts that have been completed as of November 1, 2018.


Publicity: Cyn Taylor needs information from new members to issue press releases. To date, Cyn has submitted releases to eleven newspapers. Her email is:


Announcements:  Sue Kite won another award from the Florida Writers Association.  Tilmer Wright received first place in the category of science fiction for his book, Bit Dance, from the Red City Review.  Jim Hartsell displayed his new cover designs for his “Boone Trilogy.”  He commented that he was very satisfied with the service provided by Randall Carpenter shared his success selling at he Gatlinburg Craftsman’s Fair and also alerted the membership of his health issues with AVM and upcoming surgery in December.


Next Meeting:  December 6, Thursday, at the Faith Lutheran Church in Farragut.                                    The November meeting was adjourned at 11:18


Respectfully submitted by Cindy Leihkauff, Secretary.