Brenda Prater Sellers

My book is a bizarre collection of many, but not all, the kookiest places I’ve stayed while pursuing a childhood dream of obtaining a photograph worthy of publication in National Geographic. To fulfill the goal of an award-winner, these calamities occurred while multitasking life; running businesses, and staying focused on family. Mostly, I’ve dedicated my first book to my parents’ legacy of their resilient journeys.
I’m married to Big Ed, the foil of the story, without giving away spoilers, he is a military intelligence veteran and undercover investigator. I never really knew what he did and I didn’t ask, but is a story within itself. He accompanied me on some, not all, of these wacky escapades which changed our lives forever. I have one son, Dustin but also helped raise fifteen other “kids” I call my own. Chasing my photography fantasy resulted in me being a 2 million+ miler, traveling to sixty-nine countries, and a pending application for Guinness World Record for the most photo albums in a single household. Through all of life’s juggling, I’ve learned to laugh, mostly at myself.
From the farm to corporate America, from a receptionist to president of a global manufacturing company, explains some, but not all, the worldwide licensed brands which are peppered throughout my book including logos printed on my pajamas.
As a bonus, in the appendix I’m sharing lessons learned the hard way as well as cost saving travel tips. Hopefully, you’ll discover ideas to save enough pennies to at least offset the cost of my book. My goal is to inspire readers to make their own “To Do” list or at least laugh at my expense.
I’m humbled, honored and usually hungry.