Meeting Minutes

Minutes for December 2019 AGT meeting

AGT Meeting December 5, 2019

Called to Order 11:21 at Bobbi Chapman’s home, 124 Chota Shores, Loudon, TN

Members Present: Carol McClain, Tilmer Wright, Sonja DuBois, Nan Klee, Linda Fitzpatrick, Cheryl Peyton, Don Pardue, Art Stewart, Pat Crumpler, Bobbi Chapman, Jody Dyer, Jerry Morton, Ken Johnson, and Sam Bledsoe

November minutes approved.

Treasurer: Opened at $1235.07 closed $1483.84. Dues are $30 for this coming year.

Elections of Officers: had been approved by the majority of members in an email vote. Bobbi Chapman moved to accept the duly elected officers that will make up the executive board.

Seconded by Nan Klee

All in favor

Officers for 2020:

President: Cheryl Peyton

Vice President: Jody Dyer

Treasurer: Mary Gaines

Asst. Treasurer: Randy Carpenter

Secretary: Carol McClain

Member at Large: Donna Habib

Member at Large: Russ Fine

Committee Chairs:

Directory and taxes: Bobbi Chapman

Events: Danielle Asher

Ezine: Elizabeth Horton-Newton

Library: Laura Derr

Marketing: Jared Jackson

Membership: Kaye George

Program: Linda Fitzpatrick

Publicity: Elizabeth Horton-Newton

Retail:  Walter Lambert

Training and Website: Nan Klee, Sam Bledsoe

Second motion: Bobbi Chapman moved that: Mary Gaines will act as treasurer and interact with ORNL on our behalf along with President Cheryl Peyton and Asst. Treasurer Randy Carpenter

We will remove: retiring Treasurer, Jim Hartsell

Tilmer Wright seconded the motion. All approved.

Program: Members shared odd, little known facts

Meeting adjourned 12:20

Respectfully submitted,

Carol McClain, Secretary