Meeting Minutes
Minutes for AGT Meeting: September 6, 2018
The Authors Guild of Tennessee met on September 6, 2018 at Faith Lutheran Church, Farragut, Tennessee. The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by President Bobbi Chapman.
The following twenty-two members were present: Bobbi Chapman, Naomi Miller, J.C. Morrows, Ray Strobo, Jim Hartsell, Jerry Morton, Cheryl Peyton, Timer Wright, Carol McClain, Nadine Richmond, Eva Wike, Linda Fitzpatrick, Jim Farmer, Sam Bledsoe, Jody Dyer, David Curran, Randall Carpenter, Jody Sims, Danielle Asher, Cyn Taylor, Walter Lambert, Laura Derr.
New Members: Walter Lambert and Danielle Asher. Guests present were Michelle Hollenhead from Farragut Press, Ken Johnson, Samuel and Macy Morrows.
August Minutes: Cyn Taylor moved to accept the corrected August minutes. The motion was seconded by Sam Bledsoe. The motion to accept the minutes passed.
Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurer’s Report was given. The Treasurer’s Report will be given on a quarterly basis. Bobbi will meet with Russ between now and the next meeting.
President’s Report:
- Bobbi invited members to join her Monday, Sept. 24, 11:30 at Rosy’s Café in Tellico Village to hear best-selling author, Latricia Bingham. Her book titles include The Talcott House and She.
- The Alzheimer’s Home Tour is September 30. AGT is invited to sell book. Eight have signed up.
Library Report: Jim Hartsell reported that this is the second month of a new system. Members are advised
to bring their books to meetings to be checked out. Members who check out books are expected to write
a review of the book and return the book to the next monthly meeting. If a book is not checked out,
the author takes the book home and brings to the next meeting. The Library Committee will inventory books
left at the meeting until next meeting.
Jim also passed out a list of local libraries and contact names. Members can contact to see if libraries are
interested in adding your book(s) to their collections. Usually books have to be donated and vetted.
Marketing Committee:
- AGT members are reminded that cost for magnetic bumper stickers is $4.00.
- Randall Carpenter announced that Knoxville City and Knox County will be issuing a proclamation in honor of AGT on November 1,10:00-Noon, at Knoxville Bearden Library to commemorate National Authors Day. AGT will not be able to sell our books at this event. Our monthly meeting will follow.
- Nadine Richmond requested material from the membership for future publications of our Ezine, The Bookshelf. She is working on issue 3. She hopes it will be out October 1 but will hold it to coincide with our new website. Articles should be 300-1000 words. Author bios should be about 30 words. She can link our bios to bookselling sites.
- Sam Bledsoe reported that the new website should be out shortly. He’ll let us know when it does.
- Jody Sims has recorded about half of the 21 TN Author scripts for WUOT. She hopes programming will start up in November.
Membership / Vetting Committee: Two new members have been accepted: Walter Lambert and Danielle Asher. Danielle told us about her book, My Friend the Sunsphere, and about her background.
Retail Committee: Cheryl has a new retail store in Dandridge. She needs a member to help there.
She asked for comments from members who are not signing up for retail events. We need more members to attend fairs that have entry fees.
Cheryl shared details for future AGT group events:
- A book signing is scheduled for September 21 at the Lenior City Library from 3:30-5:30. We will need to supply some refreshments. Sixteen members are participating.
- 30 is Alzheimer’s House and Garden Tour event.
- October 6 is the Lion’s Club outdoor Classic Car event. Cost is $40 for 2 spaces. Nine people have signed up for a fee of $4.50 each.
- C. Morrow reported October 5-6 is Midland Plaza Fall Event in Alcoa. This event has had good sales in past. Four have signed up so far.
- November 9-11 is Christmas Fair at Expo Center in Knoxville. This event attracts a crowd. We work in shifts. So far ten have signed up. This is an expensive rental so need more sign-ups.
- Jody Dyer reminded us of Pellissippi State Writers Workshop on November 3. This is an opportunity to encourage young writers.
Publicity: David Curran is still visiting radio stations and passing out AGT’s list of authors who are available to speak. Cyn Taylor needs information regarding AGT’s events and from new members to issue press releases. Her email is:
Announcements: Joan McIntee has had some major health issues. Please keep her in your prayers.
Program: JC Morrow talked about ‘Facebook Basics.’
Next Meeting: October 4, Thursday, at Bearden Public Library, following National Authors Day proclamation, 10:00-Noon.
The September meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Laura Derr, Assistant Secretary.