Meeting Minutes
Minutes for January 3, 2019 AGT meeting
AGT Minutes January 3, 2019
Present: Carol McClain, Denise Sherriff, Darlene Underwood, Cheryl Peyton, Tish Pritchett, Cyn Taylor, Laura Derr, Danielle Asher, Marilyn Neilans, David Curran, Jody Sims, Cindy Leihkauff, Bobbi Chapman, Linda Fitzpatrick, Don Pardue, Tilmer Wright, Sharon L. Higa, BJ Gillum, Jody Dyer, Ray Strobo, Randall Carpenter.
Guests: Christina Eder
Meeting called to order at 11:05 by President Cheryl Peyton
Chery reminded us to sign in as you come into the meeting room; then sign out a book. At the end of each quarter, an award will be given to the person who reviewed the most.
December minutes: No corrections offered. They stand as written.
Treasurer report: New treasurer Jim Hartsell was not present. According to asst. treasurer, Randy Carpenter, our balance is approx. $2700.
President’s Report: The year will be divided into quarters. We’ll start with writing mechanics, then move on to polishing our writing such as using strong verbs, finding one’s voice, writing natural dialog and more flowing prose
Cheryl discussed the results of the survey. 40%+ reported they didn’t have a lot of time to devote to AGT. Most are interested in the lower cost shows.
Events Chair Danielle Asher:
Feb. 2, 10-5 Chocolate Festival. $100 for one 10’ x 10’ space.
Sat. March 16, West Town Mall 10 people for $55 for Saturday only. Must have 5 tables. Info on the website. This is an individual author thing.
April 6, 10-1 Farragut Book Fest for Children, $10, each individual.
April 22-28, Dogwood Festival. We have a corner table. 14 signed up.
Members advised to go to website to review details of events. Password: www.agt_opensesame
Library Chair: Three new books are out this month. If you changed your book—revised, new cover, etc.— bring the new book.
Marketing Chair & website Sam Bledsoe: Share with Sam any ideas you have about marketing. One suggestion is to have someone dress up as Mark Twain at our signings.
The new website is finished. Look at your webpage on AGT website. Make sure everything is correct. Contact Sam if you have questions.
Authors Page on WUOT: Sunday mornings, 8:35. Jody Sims still has openings. WUOT has past segments in its archives available on their website.
Publicity: Cyn Taylor wants updates on our marketing. We can send her book reviews, press releases, etc. Cyn worked on a newspaper for 8 years and can elaborate on anything we send, if needed. She’d like two reviews a month. Cheryl suggested press releases for events where AGT will have a booth.
Retail chair: Bobbi gave the names of her Committee: Cindy, Russ, Tilmer, Bobbi, Stephanie, Jody Dyer, Sharon, Kaye, Jody Simms, Sam, and Danielle. Bobbi would like to find several more stores for our books this year.
Announcements: Darlene Underwood has a new book, Speak Lord, I’m Listening. Randy Carpenter’s new book is Rooms in Our Heart. Carol McClain’s new book is Yesterday’s Poison. Doug Lambert is retiring from WVLT. He will do specials and start a podcast. New news director has written a book and may be interested in joining AGT.
Program: speaker, Randy Carpenter. “How to develop Character, Integrity, and Respect in Your Life.”
Randy writes something inspirational every day. He has written over 1700 articles. Inspiration comes from everything you hear, see, think, encounter. Doesn’t have to be a single moment. Write it down as soon as you can. He gets up at five a.m. and writes for two hours. He says to treat writing like a job. Do it every day. It’s like having a baby. It never happens when life is perfect. You have to jump in and do it.
Respect is not the end result of your to-do list. It’s when you do what no one sees. You gain it from your scruples and principles.
Always look your best. Be kind and considerate to everyone. Be understanding when someone makes a mistake. Offer assistance. Compliment others. Let others be the authority. Speak about what you know—not what you think you know. Be more interested in others.
Essentially, think of others more than yourself. Have faith in you faith. Make every day count for something.
Meeting adjourned by President Cheryl Peyton at 12:10. Next meeting will be on Thursday February 7th.