Meeting Minutes
AGT Executive Board Meeting: October 4, 2018
The Authors Guild of Tennessee Executive Board met on Thursday, October 4, 2018 at the Faith Lutheran Church in Farragut, Tennessee. The meeting was called to order at 12:34 by President Bobbi Chapman. There were eight executive board members in attendance: Bobbi Chapman, Sam Bledsoe, Tilmer Wright, Kaye George, Cheryl Peyton, Russ Fine, Cindy Leihkauff, and Laura Derr. Member, Danielle Asher and guest, Sherry Fine were also in attendance.
Cheryl presented candidates for executive positions as well as committees based on inquiries she had been making as chairman of the Nominating Committee. She noted that each chair of a committee will select his/her committee members. The recommendations are as follows:
President: Cheryl Peyton
Vice-President: Jody Dyer
Treasurer: Jim Hartsell
Assistant Treasurer: Randall Carpenter
Secretary: (candidate not yet determined)
Assistant Secretary: Laura Derr
Board Members-at-Large: Tilmer Wright and Russ Fine
Events Chair: Danielle Asher
Ezine Editor: Nadine Richmond
Library Committee Chair: Laura Derr
Marketing Committee Chair: Sam Bledsoe
Committee Member: Jody Sims
Publicity Chair: Cyn Taylor
Committee Member: Carol McClain
Retail Committee Chair: Bobbi Chapman
Committee Members: Cindy Leihkauff, Tilmer Wright, Stephanie McElligott
Vetting Committee Chair: Kaye George
Committee Member: Darlene Underwood
The executive committee discussed issues and options concerning the web site. Kaye George will act as liaison between the webmaster and AGT. The necessity of a statement of work was discussed for future needs from the webmaster. It was noted that at least three more AGT members are needed to make basic, in-house changes to the website.
The committee unanimously voted to reimburse Sam immediately for personal funds he forwarded to cover the fees for reworking the AGT website.
Bobbi informed the Executive Board that she will be sending out AGT membership requirements and conducted a discussion concerning the need for members to read and review books from within the membership. She noted that we might add this expectation as the ninth point in the AGT Directory under the heading of Criteria for AGT membership.
Cindy Leihkauff made a motion that AGT members are “expected to read and review books from other authors within the membership,” be added to the criteria for AGT membership in the handbook. Laura Derr seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Executive board members discussed two problems within the membership including lack of attendance and lack of participation. No formal action was taken concerning these topics.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Cindy Leihkauff, Secretary