Members Only Page

This page is a Members Only resource that provides Minutes from recent monthly meetings, member directory, Committee chairs, Constitution and By-Laws, and available member resources.

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2024 Committees

The Committee Chairs shall periodically meet with their members outside the general membership meeting and report to the membership with copies of their progress to the Executive Board, if necessary. The President is the Ex Officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee.

Directory: Barb Dunn - Chair
Fairs and Festivals Selection: Bobbi Chapman - Chair. Members: Jeff Carlson, Nancy Pressley, Jeri Weems, and Dave Curran
Fairs and Festivals Setups: Deena Charcalla - Chair. (No committee members to date)
Library: Laura Derr - Chair. Members: Sonja DuBois, Linda Fitzpatrick
Marketing & Publicity: Curt Young, Frank Snyder, Art Stewart, Jerry Morton, and Jim Hartsell
Membership: Kathy Parr - Chair
Nominating: Vice President in consultation with President
Programs: Danita Dodson - Chair
Retail: Art Stewart - Chair. Members: Ernie Lancaster
Taxes (Federal and State): Bobbi Chapman
Training: Victoria Winifred - Chair. Members: Gayle Curtin
Website: Bill Barbour


Constitution and By-Laws
