

Death is often associated

With hurt, pain, grief, and loss.

Does it have to be that way?

Sometimes, Death is an escape from life.

Sometimes, Death is peaceful.

Sometimes, Death is just death.

Have you ever wondered, “what’s death like?

Or “Is there actually a heaven and hell?”

No living persons will know unless

They actually experience it,

but once They’re gone,

they never come back.

Do people know they’ve died once

it happens to them?

I wonder questions all day but then,

I remember to cherish the simple moments

WHile I can because one minute,

You’re loved one will be right by your side,

And then the next, well,

They won’t.


Essential Updates for a Relaxing Home Workspace

The quest for an ideal home workspace has never been more crucial in a world where our homes serve as sanctuaries and workplaces. Balancing relaxation and productivity within the same space requires thoughtful enhancements. Presented by the Authors Guild of Tennessee, we explore upgrades to help you curate a home environment that nurtures your well-being and work efficiency.

How Changes Can Affect Your Home

Investing in crucial home improvements can significantly boost your property's market value. For instance, renovating the kitchen or bathroom, upgrading to energy-efficient windows, or enhancing the outdoor living space can considerably increase value. It's crucial to document these changes meticulously: take before-and-after photos to visually demonstrate the transformations and save all receipts related to the renovations. Record-keeping not only helps quantify the added value but also serves as a persuasive tool during the resale process, showcasing the investments made in the property.

Invest in Noise-Canceling Headphones

Eliminate distractions and maintain focus throughout the day by investing in noise-canceling headphones. Whether it's the hum of traffic outside your window or the chatter of family members in the next room, these headphones provide a cocoon of silence, allowing you to immerse yourself in your work.

Cover Your Devices

When upgrading your home with new electronics, investing in a protection plan can be a smart move that provides peace of mind and financial security. Smart home devices, high-end appliances, and entertainment systems are significant investments that are often vulnerable to unexpected issues, such as malfunctions, power surges, or accidental damage. Electronics coverage helps safeguard against costly repairs or replacements, ensuring your devices are covered beyond the manufacturer’s warranty.

Creating a Stress-Free Home Office Environment

Minimizing stress in your home office can significantly boost productivity and well-being. Start by organizing your workspace to manage incoming information and avoid clutter. Invest in proper lighting and ergonomically correct furniture to reduce fatigue and strain. Additionally, upgrade outdated technology to save time and enhance efficiency, and use a good planning system to keep your schedule under control. These steps will help create a conducive and stress-free work environment.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

Separation is key to work-life balance. Designate a specific area in your home as your workspace. This physical boundary will help you mentally transition from relaxation mode to work mode, increasing your productivity and focus. Additionally, having a designated workspace allows you to leave your work behind once you step away from it, fostering a sense of closure at the end of the workday. This separation not only benefits your professional life but also contributes to a more fulfilling personal life by ensuring that your home remains a place of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Choose Calming Wall Colors

The selection of wall colors within your workspace profoundly influences your emotional state and work performance. Opting for tranquil shades such as gentle blues or soothing greens can significantly diminish stress levels and promote overall well-being. These harmonious colors envelop your workspace in an atmosphere of serenity, preserving a calm mindset.

Embrace Aromatherapy

Unlock the transformative potential of aromatherapy within your workspace to create an oasis of tranquility. Employ scented candles or essential oils to imbue the air with captivating fragrances like the soothing essence of lavender or the refreshing scent of eucalyptus. These aromatic compositions can remarkably mitigate stress and elevate mood, creating a more pleasurable and conducive work environment.

Add Heating Solutions

For the ultimate in workspace comfort, contemplate adding heating solutions such as a fireplace or a discreet space heater. Beyond their capacity to dispel the chill on colder days, these warming elements infuse your workspace with a cozy ambiance that enhances your overall well-being. A workspace that envelops you in warmth and comfort can profoundly affect your productivity and sense of contentment. These transformative upgrades offer a path to balance and productivity in the pursuit of an ideal home workspace. Elevating your home, embracing comfort and functionality, and infusing your workspace with tranquility are essential steps toward creating an environment that seamlessly integrates relaxation and work. Your home is your sanctuary, and with these upgrades, it becomes a place where you can thrive, finding solace and efficiency in equal measure amidst the demands of the modern world. If you enjoyed this article, you can find more helpful content at AuthorsGuildofTN.org!

Igniting Creativity: A Guide to Rekindling Your Imagination

by Janet Campbell

Creativity is not just a resource; it's a gateway to discovering and rediscovering our deepest potential. Whether you're a writer, artist, or anyone needing a creative boost, the daily grind can sometimes dampen your imaginative spark. This article, presented by the Authors Guild of Tennessee, explores strategies to rejuvenate your creative spirit and enhance your ability to produce innovative ideas and solutions.

Rediscover Childhood Wonder

Think back to the activities that captivated you as a child. Perhaps it was building intricate Lego castles, sketching cartoon characters, or crafting stories about adventures in faraway lands. Engaging in these beloved pastimes can reignite the sense of wonder and limitless possibility that fuels creativity. As you reconnect with these activities, you'll find that your adult mind enriches the experience with depth and perspective, bringing new layers to your creative endeavors.

Transform Your Career

Reinvigorating your creativity can often lead to a transformative shift in your career path. By pursuing a degree in psychology through an online program, you can effectively manage both your work and educational commitments. If you’re looking for a well-regarded program, you may consider this option. This academic pursuit deepens your understanding of cognitive processes, enriching your creative practices and broadening your professional capabilities. Such knowledge is essential for those aiming to inspire and support others creatively.

Create a Sanctuary for Creativity

Setting aside dedicated time for creative activities is crucial. Designate a specific time when you are free from interruptions each day or week. This could be early morning hours or a quiet evening. Treat this time as sacred, a period when you can explore, experiment, and create without the pressures of deadlines or external expectations. This structured freedom can help you develop a routine that nurtures and sustains your creative spirit.

Disconnect to Reconnect

In a world dominated by digital notifications and screen time, stepping away from electronic devices can be incredibly liberating. Permit yourself to disconnect from emails, social media, and other digital distractions. Such a break allows your mind the space to wander, daydream, and generate ideas organically. You might find that your best ideas come to you when you walk in nature or simply sit quietly with your thoughts.

Embrace Uninhibited Writing

For writers, the pressure to produce perfect sentences can stifle creativity. Try setting aside time to write continuously without concern for grammar or structure. Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. This practice can help unearth spontaneous ideas and insights often buried under formal writing constraints. Over time, this exercise can become a fertile ground for innovative concepts and narratives.

Play Freely

Play is not just for children. Allowing yourself to engage in play, whether it's through video games, board games, or art projects, can relax your mind and open it up to new possibilities. Playfulness introduces an element of fun and lightness to creativity, which can often lead to breakthroughs and new ideas. This approach helps you see problems and projects from different angles, infusing your work with originality and freshness.

Dream Inspired Creativity

Recording your dreams can provide a treasure trove of creative inspiration. Often, our subconscious minds solve problems and create scenarios that our waking minds couldn't imagine. Keeping a dream journal can capture these vivid images and narratives, which can be springboards for creative projects or solutions to complex problems.

Art as a Creative Outlet

Art offers a powerful way to express emotions and discover internal conflicts that might be blocking your creative output. Whether painting, sculpting, or drawing, art acts as a form of therapy that can unlock profound levels of creative thought. The process of creating art helps in expressing complex feelings and exploring new artistic domains that can be both refreshing and inspiring. Creativity is a dynamic and evolving process that requires nurturing and attention. By adopting these strategies, you can ensure that your creative well is never dry. Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike, you have the tools and habits that invite creativity into your daily life, allowing you to continuously produce compelling, innovative work that resonates with you and your audience. The Authors Guild of Tennessee is here to support and empower authors in our area. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Legacy of Marshall Taylor

Marshall “Major” Taylor was a superstar bicyclist in the 19th century. His father was a Civil War veteran, and his family was not well-to-do. One of his relatives had the wherewithal to give him a bicycle and he began learning tricks and developing his bicycle skills. However, as a man of color, he had few opportunities where he grew up in Indianapolis. The local YMCA refused to train him and there were races he wasn’t allowed to participate in because of his color.

He did compete where he could and caught the attention of a retired racer who convinced him to move to Worcester (pronounced Wista by the locals - go figure). Massachusetts was more welcoming than Indiana had been, and he thrived, becoming an international star. Why would a group of writers be interested in a bicyclist? I’ll tell you.

After he retired in 1910, he became a writer but was unable to locate a publisher He did what many of us do now. He self-published, but it was during the Depression, and he died a pauper. But wait, there’s more. Decades later, after he’d been all but forgotten, Andrew Ritchie wrote a book about him and revived interest in Taylor’s life. Subsequently, a statue of Taylor was erected in Worcester and a group was formed to "recognize sportsmanship, promote nonviolence, and care for those less fortunate". There is also a one-room museum dedicated to Taylor, just down the street from the statue.

Writers from all walks of life have had different reasons for writing and different levels of success. Major Taylor’s book was 600 pages long and it didn’t make him wealthy, but he loved to write. So it is for many of us.

You can read more about this American sports superstar here: https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240131-major-taylor-the-first-black-american-global-sports-superstar.

Live Your Best Life


Janet Campbell

How to Become a Digital Nomad

The digital nomad lifestyle is becoming more popular due to the increased flexibility and freedom that comes with it. With the right planning and preparation, anyone can become a digital nomad and live their best life. This blog post will cover some of the main points you need to consider when taking on this new lifestyle.

Top Careers for Digital Nomads

For those who are considering a career as a digital nomad, there is no shortage of job opportunities. Web designers, social media managers, app developers, copywriters, content writers, virtual assistants, bloggers, photographers, and videographers are just some of the roles that can be filled remotely. It's important to research these fields thoroughly to decide which one best fits your skill set and interests.

How to Promote Oneself

For digital nomads, marketing yourself is essential for success in business. This includes developing an online portfolio with work samples, writing articles or blog posts about topics related to services offered, attending conferences or trade shows, networking with peers in the industry, and building relationships with key influencers. Last but not least, creating content for social media platforms is a must.

Advantages of Forming an LLC

Starting a business as an LLC comes with a number of advantages. Taxes can be significantly reduced, and personal assets will be protected from liabilities incurred by the business. In addition, having an LLC can increase the credibility of a business in the eyes of customers and partners. It is essential to seek legal advice prior to forming any kind of enterprise and ensure that it follows regulations.

Finding a Tech-Friendly Rental

As a digital nomad, finding tech-friendly rentals is critical for your remote business setup. Consider renting out furnished apartments that come equipped with amenities like a Wi-Fi connection and desks/workspaces to make it easier for you to set up shop in far-away destinations. View online rental listings and filter by your preferences to find the perfect place for your digital needs.

Ways to Reduce Travel Costs

Traveling as a digital nomad is often pricey, but there are ways to save on costs. Make use of flight comparison sites and loyalty programs and stay in hostels rather than hotels when possible. Additionally, consider taking public transportation instead of cabs which will also give you a unique insight into the local culture.

Tips for Effective Client Communication

Clear communication between clients and customers is essential for any successful business relationship, especially if you’re working remotely. Setting crystal clear expectations before starting a project is key to making sure everyone is on the same page during the entire process. Staying in contact throughout the process also helps ensure that expectations remain consistent.

Enhancing Your Skills Through an Online Degree Program

Earning an online degree from an accredited university has many benefits for digital nomads. It provides a valuable credential that can help with job applications and also gives you the opportunity to learn new skills within specific fields such as computer science or web design. Plus, due to the flexible learning options available, it's now easier than ever before to combine study and remote working. Becoming a digital nomad is an attractive lifestyle that can be achieved through proper research and planning. Not only does this setup provide financial freedom, but it also offers incredible opportunities to live and work anywhere in the world. Finding a tech-friendly rental and researching available jobs are the first steps toward making this dream come true. Authors Guild of Tennessee is committed to supporting authors in East Tennessee.

The Time Lie

Excerpted from The Right to Write by Julia Cameron

“If I had a year off, I’d write a novel.” Maybe you would. Maybe you wouldn’t. Often the greased slide to writer’s block is a huge batch of time earmarked: “Now write.” Making writing a big deal tends to make writing difficult. Keeping writing casual tends to keep it possible. Nowhere is this more true than around the issue of time.

The myth that we must have “time”—more time—in order to create is a myth that keeps us from using the time we do have. If we are forever yearning for “more,” we are forever discounting what is offered.

Just at the moment I have out-of-town guests coming in, a meal to cook, horses to feed, and my dogs would really like a good long walk. I may or may not get to the “long” part of the walk, but I will get to everything else—right after I write. Years as a single mother, a full-time teacher, and a full-time fiction writer taught me to grab for time to write instead of wait for time. Grabbing is what I am doing right now. Grabbing works.

For most of us, the seductive and unstated part of “if I had enough time” is the unstated sentence “to hear myself think.” In other words, we imagine that if we had time we would quiet our more shallow selves and listen to a deeper flow of inspiration. Again, this is a myth that lets us off the hook—if I wait for enough time to listen, I don’t have to listen now, I don’t have to take responsibility for being available to what is trying to bubble up today.

The “if-I-had-time” lie is a convenient way to ignore the fact that [books] require being written and that writing happens a sentence at a time. Sentences can happen in a moment. Enough stolen moments, enough stolen sentences, and a [book] is born—without the luxury of time.

Lawyer Scott Turow wrote his riveting novel Presumed Innocent on his daily commuter train. My student Maureen has managed nine full-length screenplays while raising an infant son and juggling a design career. Michael, another student, wrote an entire book in his “spare” moments the year that he got his master’s degree. All of them did it by making time to write rather than waiting to “find” time.

If we learn to write from the sheer love of writing, there is always enough time, but time must be stolen like a quick kiss between lovers on the run. As a shrewd woman once told me, “The busiest and most important man can always find time for you if he’s in love with you and, if he can’t, then he is not in love.” When we love our writing, we find time for it.

The trick to finding writing time, then, is to write from love and not with an eye to product. Don’t write something perfect; just write. Don’t try to write the whole megillah; just start the whole megillah. Yes, it is daunting to think of finding time to write an entire novel, but it is not so daunting to think of finding time to write a paragraph, even a sentence. And paragraphs, made of sentences, are what [books] are really made of.

The obsession with time is really an obsession with perfection. We want enough time to write perfectly. We want to write with a net under ourselves, a net that says we are not fools spending our time doing something that might not pay off.

The lies we tell ourselves about writing and time are all connected to envy, to the fairy tale notions that there are others whose lives are simpler, better funded, more conducive to writing than our own.

The trick to finding writing time is to make writing time in the life you’ve already got. That’s where you’ve got leverage. Stop imagining some other life is a “real” writer’s life. Key West sunsets do not make a writer’s life. Trust funds do not fund the flow of ideas. All lives are writers’ lives because all of us are writers.

5 Tricks for Getting Discovered as an Author

by Charley Sunday

Maybe you’re working on your first book, or you’ve recently been published. You want to write full-time in the future, but you’re not sure how to make this dream a reality. Ongoing marketing is the key to making a living as an author. These tips will help you create a workable marketing strategy for your writing projects. Visit the Authors Guild of Tennessee to learn about high-quality literature and find essential resources for writers.  

Manage Your Marketing Budget

 Yes, self-promotion is important for authors - but you have lots of other expenses to cover for your business, so you don’t want to stretch your marketing budget too far. To avoid this pitfall, you should choose accounting software that will help you stay on track with your financial goals.  

Setting Up Your Business

 Creating an official business for your work as an author can help you come across as professional, organized, and serious. While you don’t technically have to register an LLC for yourself, it can be helpful - plus, you’ll earn some tax breaks with this status! Author Media recommends establishing your LLC six months to a year before publishing your first book if possible.  

Present at Local Open Mics

If you want to become successful as an author, you need to connect with your audience. There’s no better way to do this than by appearing at public readings frequently. You may want to look into registering for open mic events at local libraries, nearby writing centers or universities, coffee shops, or small theaters. Institutions like this often host local and visiting writers. This is a great way to challenge your stage fright and gain confidence in your work.  

Start a Blog

What if you have several months before your book becomes available for purchase? Or what if your book is on the shelves, but it will be quite some time before you release another? How can you stay relevant in the public eye during a lull? Blogging could be the answer! By setting up a blog, you can continue growing your audience and reach more potential readers. If you’re interested in blogging, Become a Writer Today recommends covering topics like lessons you’ve learned as an author, solutions to problems your readers might have, your own creative process, and writing tips for other authors.

Promote Yourself on Social Media

By marketing your books on social media, you’ll be able to get in touch with other writers, keep an eye on developing trends in your genre and publishing niche, network with new agents, editors, and graphic designers, and blow off steam when you’re dealing with writer’s block. You might want to share details about upcoming events on Facebook or advertise your new book on Twitter.

If you want to reach a wider audience and build excitement for your book, one of the most effective ways to do this is through memes. Memes are highly shareable, and they can help to generate buzz around your book. If you can create a catchy meme that features your book cover or a memorable quote from your book, you're likely to see it shared widely on social media. This editor tool lets you create an eye-catching meme that you can customize..

However, if you do want to reap the benefits of social media marketing, it’s important not to allow yourself to get distracted by these platforms. Spending too much time on social media can cut into your writing time, so make sure to give yourself limits..

Making a sustainable living as an author isn’t easy - but with the right approach to marketing, it’s definitely possible. No matter what kinds of books you write, you can find a passionate audience by putting effort into self-promotion. With these tips, you’ll have no problem cultivating a buzz about your upcoming books!.

Photo via Pexels

How to Leverage Key Leadership Skills to Transition into New Career Opportunities

by Charley Sunday

Leadership skills are a critical part of career development. If you’ve spent part of your career building your leadership skills it may be time to leverage them to take advantage of new opportunities - especially in new sectors poised for post-pandemic growth. Want to learn how you can do so? Authors Guild of Tennessee breaks it down below.

Core Leadership Skills to Leverage in Any Industry

To begin with, you need to have some core competencies to thrive in any business sector. These include:
  • Relationship building: When you know how to build good relationships, you will see employee engagement, performance, and respect increase.
  • Agility and adaptability: The business environment is constantly changing - thus influential leaders must be able to work outside their comfort zone and constantly pivot.
  • Innovation: Push your boundaries when it comes to creativity, as this will prime you for different industries.

Sectors to Explore

Once you’re confident in your leadership skills, it will be time to explore new business sectors. Here are some that are expected to grow post-pandemic:
  • Online education: This sector has experienced a boom and could be an excellent option for authors, writers, or those with prior experience in teaching.
  • Healthcare: The public health industry needs front-line workers, solutions, and specialists.
  • E-commerce: There is a surging demand for e-commerce solutions like dropshipping.

Making The Big Transition

After identifying your crucial sector, you’re ready for the big career transition!
  • Seek training: Seeking education or training opportunities could significantly improve your career prospects - for example, if you’re transitioning to healthcare, choose among medical coding courses available online.
  • Admin tasks: Completing simple administrative tasks like forming an LLC and finding an HR management agency can help you find new opportunities in your transition.
  • Prioritize problem-solving: Don’t forget your leadership capabilities after getting hired! Keep using your skill set to provide value by problem-solving.
Ready to put your leadership skills to good use? Your capabilities are in high demand across many booming business sectors, so be sure to take advantage of all these opportunities today!

Hopeful Entrepreneurs Should Take These Steps to Start a Writing Career

Starting a writing business is a big step, but it can also be an empowering one, and people everywhere are branching out to set something up just for themselves. Whether you want to focus on writing books, blogs or magazine articles, or get into the editing side of things, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. Which type of business makes the most sense for your needs right now? What kind of business structure will you need? How much funding will you require? Before you start feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to remember that there are many tools available that will help you through the process. The Authors Guild of Tennessee offers resources that are invaluable to new wordsmithing entrepreneurs, especially as you start thinking about your marketing strategy and how to navigate social media. Here are a few pointers on which decisions you’ll need to make and how to ensure they’re the right ones.

Research your options

Some business ideas are easier to get off the ground than others, so it’s important to do a little research and think about which ones make the most sense for your skillset. Many wordsmiths find it easiest to start with what they know, so think about your hobbies and training. Will you still enjoy the activity if it becomes a business? How much competition will you be facing? Do you have the right certifications to become a knowledgeable business owner who makes customers feel they’re in the right hands? Also, think about how much time you want to put into the business in the beginning; you might decide to work as a freelancer at first so you can dip your toes in the water and make sure it’s right for you.

Find the perfect name

Once you’ve figured out which business path meets your needs best, it’s time to think about the details. It can take some time to come up with the perfect name, but keep in mind that you can also have a DBA, or doing-business-as, name. This means you’ll have options if you decide to start selling different products or services down the line, or if you’re unable to secure your business name as a website domain. Do your homework to make sure the name you want isn’t already taken and consider how you’ll spell it as well as how it will look on a logo and within your branding. Don’t forget to think about possible acronyms; even if you don’t use one, it will be a nasty surprise to find out your business name can be shortened to something inappropriate! Usually, when it comes to business names, the simpler the better. This is especially true when coming up with your logo, which often includes the name of your enterprise. When creating your company logo design, get inspired by checking into some of the free online resources, many of which have templates you can use to generate an eye-catching and professional-looking logo.

Check out your competition, find some funding

Market research is about more than just your competition; LivePlan notes that it informs your business plan, which defines your ideas and provides a guide for you to work from for the first year. Not only that, it gives lenders and potential investors a detailed map of your business so they can see exactly how much funding you need and what it will be spent on. Once you have your ideas and name nailed down, be thorough as you conduct your research, focusing on your target customer and your goals for the first year of business. Don’t forget that private loans are just one option; Bench points out that you can also look for local and federal grant opportunities that are specific to your field.

Trust your instincts

Professional writers often doubt themselves or suffer from a drop in confidence after a setback but trusting your instincts will go a long way toward helping you get through the most challenging parts of starting a business, whether that’s finding funding or creating a marketing strategy. Look for a business mentor who can help you boost your self-confidence as you start making important decisions. Starting a writing business takes a lot of dedication and patience but starting with a good plan will help you get through it with ease. Utilize as many online resources and tools as possible, especially as you start building your daily operations. Photo via Pixabay

How to Start Being a Freelance Writer

by Charley Sunday

Do you want a job that’s location-independent, fully flexible, and can grow with you? Writing is among the most long-standing freelance professions and the demand for self-employed writers isn’t going anywhere. One of the best parts of being a freelance writer is that you can do it part- or full-time and flex your hours to accommodate other responsibilities. It’s a cushy side gig for a college student, a great job to float you after graduation, and a skill to fall back on during career and life transitions. Strong writing skills are important, but you don’t need to be a published author to make a career in writing. Most freelance writers work in marketing, public relations, technical writing, and other professions where good grammar and the ability to write clearly go a long way.

What Do You Need to Become a Freelance Writer?

You don’t need special qualifications to start writing, but there are some things to know before becoming a freelancer:
  1. Freelance businesses are typically inexpensive, but you may need to buy office equipment and software, set up a website, pay incorporation fees, and cover other startup expenses.
  2. Look into business loans and grants if you need extra financing, but understand what’s required for a successful application. Search within your industry to find grants you’re eligible for and prepare a strong proposal to make your case. In addition to national grants, you can find grants specific to states.
  3. If you’re doing a lot of freelance work, you may want to incorporate. Incorporating protects you legally but you’ll have to file separate business and personal taxes.
  4. Every freelancer needs a system for recording income and expenses, tracking receipts, and invoicing clients. A software-as-a-service product like QuickBooks Online, Xero, or FreshBooks is an affordable alternative to enterprise-level software for freelancers.
  5. You can create customized invoices by using an online invoice generator. Choose from a variety of templates and then add your own terms, color scheme, and images.

How to Build Your Freelance Writing Resume

You’re confident in your writing skills, but how can you convince prospective clients? A freelance writer’s resume should emphasize skills, subject areas, and accomplishments. Think about what’s relevant to the client’s niche and show how your experience applies. Include links to your website and a portfolio with writing samples. You can use mock pieces if you don’t have professional writing experience. Is your writing resume looking a bit bare? Beef up your skills with online courses in topics like:
  • Copywriting
  • Data analysis.
  • Editing and proofreading.
  • Interviewing
  • Project management.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social media marketing.
  • Storytelling

Where to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

As you grow as a freelance writer, you’ll develop a network and brand that draws clients to you. In the meantime, how can you find work? Some freelancers write on spec. This refers to writing a piece and pitching it to publications. It can be a good fit for small outlets and niche publications, but the downside is there’s no guarantee you’ll get paid. You can also try pitching ideas to gauge interest before starting work on a piece. A lot of freelancers find work using online marketplaces. Some of the best websites to find freelance jobs online include:
  • Freelancer.com
  • Jobspresso
  • Upwork.com
  • Flexjobs
  • Indeed
  • Writers Work
  • LinkedIn
Use a professional headshot in your freelancer profile and write a summary that hooks prospective clients. Don’t stop there. Networking and marketing are necessary to maximize visibility as a freelancer and attract more clients. Learn where your audience frequents online and get in front of their eyes with useful content, infographics, and how-tos designed to pique interest in your business. Writing is one of those skills that’s always good to have in your pocket. Whether you want part-time work that fits your college schedule, a temporary gig while you search for the right career or a flexible full-time job, there are opportunities in freelance writing. Use this information to find your niche and start earning a living as a professional writer. Visit the Authors Guild of Tennessee for unique stories that celebrate Tennessee’s rich literary tradition!

A Tax Resource Guide for Freelancers and Contract Employees

by Charley Sunday

If you’re a writer or another professional working on a freelance or contract basis, you can't count on your employer to withhold the requisite taxes, social security contributions, and other deductions from your paycheck. It's up to you to keep track of your financial obligations. This resource guide covers some more useful tips and tools you can use to manage taxes as a freelancer or contract worker.

Keep Your Paperwork Organized

You'll thank yourself for your organizational prowess when tax filing season rolls around.
  • Establish a set system for where and how you will store and label your tax-relevant documents, like invoices and expense notes.
  • Keep hard copies of your tax-relevant paperwork in fire-proof filing cabinets.
  • Make note of quarterly and annual tax filing deadlines and write them into your calendar. Set yourself digital reminders if needed.

Invest in Useful Tools to Stay On Top of Your Business FInances

 Cutting-edge tech can help streamline your tax burden.
  • Use an app to scan your expenses and invoices, digitizing them.
  • Try cloud storage solutions to back up your tax paperwork and related documents.
  • Consider getting accounting software for freelancers.
  • Use phone apps to help keep track of your expenses.

 Find Ways to Reduce Your Tax Bill

Different from tax evasion, so-called "tax avoidance" allows you to legally reduce your taxable income and taxes.
  • Register your business as a formal legal entity, like a Tennessee LLC, making it easier to claim tax write-offs.
  • Familiarize yourself with the deductions you may be able to claim as a freelancer or contract worker.
  • Recognize the common signs that you could use support with your tax work—such as getting audited.
  • Find a professional CPA who specializes in tax-reduction strategies to help you save.
Getting a handle on your taxes as a writer or another professional working as a freelancer or contract employee can be daunting at first. However, there are many handy resources available to help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, a professional CPA can be useful. Visit Authors Guild of Tennessee for stories that reflect the present-day culture or history of East Tennessee.